adventures of a girl named Erin


hallo hallo everybody! Aiya, okay this will have to be a quick post because I have to meet my language partner, Lorenzo, at 5:30 for un caffe' and even though I didn't have class at all today I have been so busy with lots of things. I don't know where the time has gone! Today I have been looking up information for summer jobs. (Speaking of which, Tina and Tina, I may very well be asking you for contacts) Ha! Can you believe it? I totally cannot believe how ahead and on top of things I am. I'm sure that for those of you who know me you will also be shocked at my lack of procrastination. Well, we shall see how long this motivation persists.

Actually, my motivation has come from a revelation I had Saturday night that I just need to get up off my bum and do things for myself. So that's what I have been doing. I feel good about myself when I am busy. Yes indeed, like I am accomplishing something.

Eep! I really should go. But before I do, I will give a *quick* weekend update:

*morning walk in the Tuscan foothills to a beautiful Romanesque church and friary
*beautiful afternoon in i Giardini Boboli (Boboli Gardens, an immense Renaissance garden set up by the Medici family in the Palazzo Pitti)

*beautiful walk into Fiesole (a neighboring suburb) with beautiful views of the city from above
*many ancient Roman and Etruscan ruins and exhibits

*meandering around the city after church
*a wonderful lunch in a trattoria with Sarah (buono compleanno!) and friends
*the most fantastical hot chocolate (cioccolata calda) at the famous Gilli's. Seriously, this was like melted chocolate in a cup. I'll be chocolate-satiated for... a day or so. =P

I miss all of you in Cali!


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