adventures of a girl named Erin


Erin is sick. Alas! I tried to be good and go to sleep early last night, even though I reeeeally wanted to go see the niners game at this one pub. So, like the good girl that I am, I got into bed around 10:15 and turned off the light and shut my eyes and tried reeally hard to sleep. But my italian mamma was watching TV (like she does every night) reeeeally loudly and so there was that noise. And then Deborah was breathing reeeeally loudly. And then there was a freaking mosquito! So I really could not sleep! I contemplated getting dressed and calling Klodi to see what he was up to, but then my stomach decided that it really didn't want to have had what little dinner I actually ate and so it took matters into its own clutches and then there was no more dinner. And so at that point I was so weak and tired and then I just sort of collapsed into bed. Yes. So now I am trying to be good and do some work for a major paper that I have for my art history class, but it's just soooo tiring and I want to take a nap or something. Oooh, or cuddle up on a couch with a blanket and watch a movie and drink tea. My throat really hurts. Meh.

Oh yeah! The "Boogie Woogie" class. Well, it was swing. Sort of. It was a kind of version of West Coast. Which of course I never have actually learned. So it was such a tease! On the one hand it felt so good to have some sort of swing except it just wasn't satisfying because it wasn't Lindy and it wasn't DogHouse and I miss California!!!!!! Afterwards I went to a hip hop class which was fun. Dance classes are funny because they play American hip hop music that I am absolutely certain they do not understand because the lyrics are just so offensive. But it is sort of nice to have a taste of America for a while.

Yeah, I definitely miss California. But hey... only 4 more months to go, and such a lot can happen in that time!

Ciao tutti.


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