adventures of a girl named Erin


Just another morning as I am walking to class...

voice from behind me: excuse me.... excuse me!
me [turning around to see strange, leering guy]
strange, leering guy: you smell so hot... I could smell you from back here.
me: ohh, uhh... thanks? [thinking: what the hell do you say to something like that?]
guy: you look so hot. are you going to class?
me [with my backpack on, looking like I'm going to class]: yes
guy: what class?
me [how many more steps to my classroom?]: botany
guy: so what do you study in botany?
me: umm... botany. plant biology and development...
guy: I wanted to hook up with you some night. are you free?
me [okay this guy is obviously not a stanford student, no stanford guy would 1) talk to a girl, and he would definitely not 2) ask a girl out... especially not so um.. bluntly]: umm.. thanks, no umm.. yeah, here's my class. bye...

damn, I am so eloquent.


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