adventures of a girl named Erin


Woo hoo! More updates about my life in Italy. How did I get all this spare time, you ask? Weeelllll, first there's the fact that after watching the 4th depressing Italian movie yesterday for cinema class, and finishing the 2nd depressing Italian novel for my North/South class early this morning, I gave up on doing any more reading and just let the listlessness of life take over. And then there's also the fact that I've been up since pretty early this morning since my roommate has an exam early this morning to see if she can get into this really prestigious art accademy in Florence. Good luck sweetie! *knock on wood* Finally there's the fact that I have given up for the moment trying to find flights to France for winter break and to Greece in November since I've just gotten completely lost and overwhelmed by my efforts.

But of course there is always something exciting going on in my life! The newest development is that yesterday, as I was wandering around by myself searching for somewhere to sit down to eat (since Wednesdays are my sit-down lunch day since we have a 3 hour art history class in the morning that involves a ton of walking around the town, but everybody else was just bent on grabbing a quick panino and rushing back to the center so there I was all by myself!) I ran into one of my professoressas and her marito (ah! see how reading my blog is also a lesson in italiano? yay!) who told me about this teeny trattoria which was soooo goood and cheap too! Yes, it is a little secret, so I am not supposed to tell anybody about it. Sarah, I know you're the only one here who reads this so we can go sometime together but shhhh don't let the secret out! =) Anyways, I'm not even sure if I could find it again since it was pretty tucked away. But you guys would be so proud of me! One of the waiters started talking to me and asked me for my phone number, but I said no! Ha! Just like that! Wow, I am learning little by little. =)

Eep! It's time for another depressing cinema class.

Ciao tutti!


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