adventures of a girl named Erin


The future. Ever since I turned in the ICTC application I've been forced to realize that the future is coming, it's coming now and I need to stand up and face it. I'm trying hard not to be scared, but there's something inherently frightening, I think, about standing here.

It's like I'm at the edge of something. I'm looking out to see where to go but there is only one small patch illuminated. I have to jump to get there, not knowing what surrounds that small island of light or what will catch me if fall. "[The Lord] will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber" (from Psalm 121) So I know deep down that God is sovereign over my life and that I cannot slip with him watching over me.

God, I desperately need you to strengthen me. There is still part of me that's screaming as I step back to leap.

Magnificent, Holy Father
I stand in awe of all I see
Of all the things You have created
and still You choose to think of me.

And who am I that You should suffer
Your very life to set me free?
The only thing that I can give You
Is the life You gave to me.

This is my offering, Dear Lord.
This is my offering to You, God.
I will give You my life, for it's all I have to give
Because You gave Your life for me.

I stand before You at this alter
So many have given You more.
I may not have much I can offer.
Yet what I have is truly Yours.

This is my offering, Dear Lord.
This is my offering to You, God.
I will give You my life, for it's all I have to give
Because You gave Your life for me.

Third Day


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