Love Linda Lou
The following is an email my roommate Maria received from her Aunt Linda:
Hey Maria,
There is a new guy on the block where i work. His name is Nick. He is a graduate this year of Chemical Engineering. He too will be taking the mcat. If looking to be fixed up with anyone i highly recommend him. Nice Guy .Full of energy and lust for life. (great blue eyes also)Maybe you two can be pen pals for Now what do you say ?
So as i understand it , it is hot where you are and cool in San Fran correCant wait to seeyou- Love Linda Lou.
God bless relatives... I mean, what would we do without them to keep us insane?? Goodness gracious, I was *dying* as I was reading this letter! Maybe because my mom is Italian, and that is my image of crazy family, but as I was re-enacting this letter in all its hilarity I just had to give Aunt Linda Lou the stereotypical East-coast, Italian nasal aunt voice. Oh yes, complete with the hands and the smeared lipstick: *Niiiice guy!* You really should meet him. ((in a loud, raspy whisper)) He's a doctor.
After all, we are 21 years old! Some of us are even 22, or *gasp* 23!! It is high time we start thinking about s e t t l i n g d o w n .
For some reason, when I look at us, settling down is just about the *last* thing that I think about. We are so SILLY! There's no way that we are anything more than slightly more mature 5-year olds, I mean, seriously. What 22-year old loves among her most favorite things to do in the entire world to run through sprinklers or spin around to get dizzy or laugh constantly or just be completely ridiculous?
At 5:02 PM,
Quadfire said…
Here here, I'll raise my glass to staying young and crazy. Plus who says you can't have someone with you have crazy fun?
"You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing."
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