Aaack! How is it already 4:30 in the afternoon?? I guess that's what I get for actually getting out of bed at 11 this morning. Dangit! I have just been so tired these past couple of days, I don't know why... I swear, on one day I slept in until 11:30! I haven't done that since high school. Eep!
Wow, I also haven't updated in a long long time, huh? I mean, with anything that really tells you about what I'm doing here in Italy. Sorry guys! I have been meaning to, but it's just that so many things have been going on, and even right now I should be out running errands but I wanted at least to explain my sudden 'oh my gosh I don't know if I want to go back spring quarter' crisis. I think my professor nailed it when she said that I could see the end appearing and that was making me sad. Sad and anxious! Because I totally haven't done everything that I intended to do. Aiya! Okay, well, I do have some time left, so maybe I will just make out a really good calander and stick to it. What do you think? Hmm...
Tee hee... I just took the Care Bear quiz which I found on lovely Tina's blog, and here are my results:
![]() | Cheer Bear |
Is anybody surprised? Aww, I totally remember my infatuation with Care Bears when I was little. I was totally scared of the bad guy on the movie. He was really mean! Speaking of memories from the 80's, here in Italy 80's "fashion" is returning with a vengence. Oh yes. I'm talking off-the-shoulder sweaters, stretchy headbands, and pants that you tuck into your boots. It is frightening. Please let me not succumb! I also can't believe that I am already old enough to see trends from my childhood return. Albeit in another country. Still. Why am I old? Why??
Oh yeah, about my staying-in-Italy crisis, I am just getting very comfortable here, especially with my host family. I am teaching my host mamma's fidanzato and cousin English. Then my host mamma said that she might buy or rent a piano, which would be soooo wonderful for my music-missing fingers, and I told her that I would teach her piano. And then my host mamma might buy this Mexican restaurant here in Florence (she finds out today if they will sell it to her, in bocca al lupo, mamma!) and she says that I could work as a bartender there which I think would be so absolutely fabulous because I would get to learn how to make drinks! Besides, you never know when in your life you will end up having to work as a waitress. Anyways, so I took home the Stanford Bulletin and tried to plan out my life. Ack. Don't really have any more answers. I guess we will see!
Ciao for now...
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