Something you just don't want to hear from your doctor:
"Well that's an eardrum full of puss!"
Hey at least she was upbeat about it, and apparently if I get a sudden loss of hearing that means my eardrum has ruptured! But don't worry, it will mend itself. Good to know, good to know...
Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds. I've become somewhat accoustomed to not being able to hear at all out of my left ear except for this annoying high-pitched internal pressure sound. At least I'm not in actual pain anymore. That is good. Wednesday rehearsal for Viennese was awful because not only was my equilibrium all thrown off by the pressure in my ear, but I was *hurting*!! It was so frustrating to try and dance like that, especially when my polka partner wasn't there and in a smaller practice space... So yeah, I fell into tears afterwards and Jen is so good to me to understand that I wasn't being cantankerous at her specifically but that I was just grumpy in general from the pain. It is awful to be grumpy and then take it out on the people that you love the most. But I guess that's why they love us, because they can see us on the inside, past the grumpy and sometimes mean things we say or do to when we are under stress. That is good. =)
So, what else is going on?
oh my gosh-- *so* much. It's ridiculous. I mean, good. But eep!
Friday afternoon Jen and I went over to Eastside to do the science experiment with my girls! It was so much fun! My girls are absolutely incredible. So precious! I just love them to pieces! In a nutshell, our experiment was testing the effect of pH on growth of mold on bread. So, we put either lemon juice (acidic), water (neutral), milk (basic) or nothing (control) on to three pieces of sourdough bread (complements of the eating club). My botany teacher from last quarter provided us with litmus paper and disposable plastic pipettes, and I snagged a couple of small beakers and nitrile gloves from lab so we were all official! Hehehhe... although, we made fresh lemon juice by squeezing three lemons into one of the beakers, and my girls came up with the brilliant idea of using the pipettes to squirt straight lemon juice into their mouths. Hahhaaha, they are so ridiculous! But they were having a good, silly time, even if it wasn't very good scientific procedure. =P Jen helped me get some good photos.
Then last night there was Bon Bon Ball! It was great to see so many new people getting in to dance. I got to talk with a freshman from Roble, whom I had met when I helped out with the lesson there. She is so cute and energetic and it was so much fun to hear about all her aspirations and to get to encourage her to explore many many things, even though she is undecided about what to do with her life. It feels good to be able to mentor people, and I think that is one of the things that I like about teaching, too. Bon Bon Ball was also fun because the last time I was dancing swing and salsa and all the other fun social dances was at the first Jammix of the year! The floor in the Toyon lounge was reeeally crowded, but hey, dancing is dancing and it is always fun, even if you're down a few toes! =D
I guess that is my update for now... I have two midterms this Tuesday, one on Thursday and one more the following Tuesday that I should get studying for. I am also very tired (having not gone to bed till 2am this morning and waking up at 8:15 this morning for rehearsal... and actually, just never sleeping in general) so I am hoping to catch in a little nap. I feel myself drifting toward the bed...
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