Oh my gosh. Going to bed at a decent hour on a Monday night! Wow.... wow...
Brief update:
*My dad is doing better. Well, at least when I talked to him after he came back from the hospital he seemed to believe once again that he was invincible. So, God knows.
*Viennese Ball is this Friday! If you aren't yet going, it is not too late! It will be so beeeau-tiful! =)
*10 days and counting 'till I turn 22! It is a special age because it is divisible by 11! (yes, I am a huge nerd) Goodness, though, it seems like it just crept up and all of a sudden, voila! Goodness gracious.
*I got a cup of coffee this afternoon during lab because, boy was I struggling... I realized, though, that this is definitely the first cup of coffee I've had this calendar year, and perhaps even this school year. I can definitely tell. I am still all caffeiney, more than 10 hours later. Hm... but isn't the half-life of caffeine only 3 hours? (again, I am a nerd) I can't believe that my dear suitemates Lauren and Maria have between 1.5 and 3 shots of espresso daily. Here I am all affected by one cup of iced coffee. I am worried about my suitemates. They are for sure addicted, it is ridiculous!
Now before I jump in to bed just want to give a shot out to my wonderful friends in Missouri. I got phone messages from two of them today in the course of one hour! Monica is coming to visit California for grad schools in the beginning of March, and we are going to get together. How fun!! =) I don't know if any of my Missouri folk actually read this, but if you do just know that I am thinking of you all and you are definitely all in my prayers. Good luck with grad and med school applications to everybody!
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