adventures of a girl named Erin


What, no toilet seat covers?

Apparently, the good state of Illinois has decided that it is unnecessary to employ the use of disposable toilet-seat covers in public restrooms. You know, the sort of waxy-tissue paper kind in the metal containers above the toilet, "provided by the management for your protection" and "first pull up then pull down", those toilet seat covers? Yeah, not so much. Evidently the management does not care about my protection. Hmph!

Other than that, Chicago and Illinois are, well, pretty normal. I saw a firefly the light up the other evening, which made me squeal with delight, although everybody else seemed to think that it was unusual to take notice of it. But you know, we've been there before, and yes, we will convert them to re-learning the joy of fireflies. Fun times will be had by all, indeed indeed!

Okay, I'm keeping this post light and brief because I actually only have about a 10-minute window during lunch in which I can use the internet at the library and dash somehting off. Mostly, I just wanted to say that.... I'm here in Chicago! I made it! Traveling went surprisingly smooth, all of the people are delightful, God is awesome, this year will be incredibly challenging as well as incredibly fruitful, and kids are AMAZING. During the summer I'll be student teaching in a freshman biology course, though over the year my assignment will be 5th through 8th grade science. I'm really excited!

Okay, I'm actually not in Chicago itself at the moment-- we have a five-day orientation/retreat-ish period at Northwestern (which is, fittingly, just north-west of Chicago). We've been staying (for free!) in grad student housing, and having long times of reflection, orientation, and beginning training during this week. This afternoon after classes (4:30ish) we will be headed back to the city, and to our home! This is what is really exciting, because I haven't been to my house yet and I haven't seen my room! I am longing just to get settled and unpacked and to be in my home... I am also longing to sleep. Which most likely will not happen this weekend, as we have many many things we have to do, including (but not limited to):

*setting up house and individual bank accounts
*grocery shopping at Costco and Sam's Club
*buying supplies for the house
*unpacking and setting up the room
*setting up house schedules for cooking, cleaning
*getting to know my housemates
*doing all the reading assignments for Northwestern
*and much, much more!

Busy, busy time! And now I have to go back to school!

I hope that post-graduation finds everybody well, well-slept, blessed, reflective, calm... I definitely miss you all, and I am so sorry if I haven't been able yet to reach you by phone. I have been trying to call at least one person per night, but I've been so exhausted that it is pretty difficult. If you call and leave a message, though, I will be so happy! =)



  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger Natalie said…

    Yay Chicago! You're there!!!!

  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger tpiglette said…

    Ahhh! YAY ERIN! I loooovveee yooouuuu!!! (That never gets old, hee hee)

  • At 9:50 AM, Blogger MarcB said…

    humorous no doubt... i haven't seen those seat covers in a very long time. my safety is in jeapordy people!
    your funny even your "light and brief" posts are longer than mine ever have been. i tend to get distracted in the middle of my posts and end up just cutting it short. oh well

    have fun in chicago

  • At 10:24 PM, Blogger Quadfire said…

    Erin you're awesome, I'm so happy for you. Have some uber fun in Chicago, and make sure to keep us up to date


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