"Mawwage is whot bwings us togevah today."
Who can tell me where this is from? (You get 10 points if you're the first one!)
My mom always used to crack up whenever I recited this little monologue piece. It was nice to have that fall back comedic relief for whenever it came in handy. I really miss my mom, you know? When I was in Florida I got to see my grandpa (who I hadn't seen for 10 years! oh, he is so cute!!) and my two aunts and uncles and their kids. My two aunts are my mother's sisters. They reminded me so much of her and it stinks that she wasn't there. I really don't know why she wasn't there, either. Initially she didn't want to leave her job that she had just begun. She had been working at Tucson Medical Center for several years but it had gotten to be too much. Too low moral and too hard work. So she moved over to Kindred Hospital. She was really excited about it! Then all of a sudden, come to find out that she had submitted her two weeks notice. She still hasn't told me why. I think she said something along the lines of "suffice it to say there were differences". I don't know... my mom can by so mysterious when she wants to be. So I guess it turned out that she could have gone to Florida anyways. Although I'm sure she would have said that it was too expensive or she hates flying or some other excuse. It would have been nice to have her there, though.
I think that I'm realizing how more and more I'm like my mom. Don't they always tell you that you end up like your mother? It makes me wonder what I have inherited from my mom. Hm, let's see, let's make a list!
List of What I Have Inherited From My Mom
- the propensity to dance at any and all times and places.
- my smile
- sweet-salty tooth (although I'm more sweet and my mom is more salty)
- the desire to sing at all times, despite somewhat of a dearth of ability
- the need to have a furry little puppy dog around
- love of walking and hiking
- my naivite (feigned or not)
- my inner reclusive nature
Speaking of dance, (hey, I just got back from dancing!) my last night in Florida I saw the movie, "Shall We Dance" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez. It was a sweet movie. Nothing profound or life changing, but simply sweet. It was the perfect movie for the time. I really enjoyed all the dancing, all the Richard Gere and just watching the interactions of the characters. The only thing that I didn't like about the movie was the dance scene between Richard Gere and JLo. It was unnecessarily provocative with not subtle sexual undertones. Why do that? I thought it was distasteful and took away from the movie. They could have done a dance scene that was just as fun and exciting without the suggestiveness. Anyways, there is a quote in the movie regarding why people get married. Richard Gere's wife says that we need a witness to our lives. I wish I could remember more of her quote. It was fitting.
Eep! Maybe I really am getting old! My friend Emily sent me this little quiz, "Guess how old you act!" and I scored 33 years old. You can take it, too, if you like. Tell me how old you are! (Dad, if you are still reading this, I bet you anything you are younger than I am!) I don't know, am I too old? Joey says that I need to get a boyfriend. "Turn on the vibes" he said. Something about a wink and a smile. I don't know if I'm any good at that anymore! No, I can still do that. It's just effort to really get to know somebody. Oh goodness, I really am sounding like my mom now.
While we're talking about marriage, here's a song that is for sure going to be in my wedding. It is so sweet! Making Memories by Keith Urban.
Okay, bed time now.
At 11:39 AM,
MarcB said…
robin hood men in tights
At 12:00 PM,
MarcB said…
You Are 24 Years Old
That is just strangely accurate...
have fun and keep on dancin!
At 6:48 PM,
Tandava said…
That was in Men in Tights, too? I must have forgotten all about that. So if I say The Princess Bride, do Senior Saint and I both get 10 points? Or do we split it with 5 each?
Now, 10 EXTRA points goes to the person who can say what Princess Bride was making fun of in that scene. (Hint: it was an actual, real-life event, not from another movie.)
At 11:01 PM,
Erin said…
ding ding ding! Princess Bride is correct! (though it's been awhile since I've seen Men in Tights so it could be that, too.)
Graham-- I thought I knew everything about Princess Bride, but I do not know what you are talking about! with your trivia question! Please enlighten me!
At 12:42 PM,
MarcB said…
you know what I might have gotten those two marriage scenes confused. shame on me.
maybe its tiem for a movie night to refresh my memory
At 4:23 PM,
Tandava said…
So no takers on the bonus question, huh? Okay. According to my mother, that scene in The Princess Bride is a reference to the Archbishop of Canterbury performing Charles and Diana's wedding. (I was 1 or 2 at the time, so I'm taking her word for it. She says she has a video of it, though, so I'll have to actually watch it some time.)
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Men in Tights did it, too, since that was all about making references to other movies. It's been too long since I've seen it, and I mostly remember just tallying up all the bits I saw from other Robin Hood movies. (Which was very amusing, too, of course.)
At 6:29 PM,
Erin said…
hahaha... that is so funny about the reference to Charles' and Diana's wedding! Let me know if you ever get around to seeing that video! =)
At 9:43 AM,
Natalie said…
Really? That's really interesting about The Princess Bride. I'm 27, apparently. Ha ha - who's old now?
I miss you. I'm glad your visits were good, though.
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