Cartesian Sushi
Wow! I had quality Asian food for the first time since I've been in Chicago! Last night, I went out with the 5th grade teacher from my old school. I drove up to her apartment, which was a bit of a drive, but well worth it. She is at 5200 north and I am at 3900 south-- for those of you who are unfamiliar with Chicago, think of it as a lifesized Cartesian coordinate system. The city streets are a grid going north to south, and west to east. Madison and State streets are the X and Y axes and where they intersect is the (0,0) point. Every block you move in any direction is 100. So one block north would be 100 north, 2 blocks north is 200 north, etc. The fact that Mary Ann and I live at 5200 N and 3900 S means we are 91 blocks apart. That translates into quite a bit of a drive!
However, it was really good to get to see another Chicago neighborhood. It was very very different from the neighborhood that I live in, here in the southside. Very quiet and peaceful. Beautiful houses and manicured lawns, well-kept streets and chic stores and restaurants. Honestly, though... I don't know whether I could live like that. I like my neighborhood (minus the bus barn). It has life and spunk and, ok there is lots of litter on the ground which is rather annoying but it's home. Talk to me in 9 months and we'll see where I've decided to live when I have to get my own apartment.
Anyways, Mary Ann and I went out to this place called Noodle Zone. They had lots of different Asian style foods, but I got two favorites that I hadn't had since I've moved here. That is over a year! I had pho and unagi sushi (my favorite kind of sushi!). Both were really, really good. The sushi was a little expensive (2.50 a piece!) but I just had to have one since it had been so long. Mmm... unagi. The pho was quite excellent. I wish I had the vocabulary of a food critic so I could tantalize you with how tasty it was. But, um, I don't so "really good" is about all you're going to get.
Yay for Asian food! I've been too American living with my housemates. They eat lots of American food. Lots of cheese. I am becoming more used to it, but I don't think I'll ever adjust completely. More greens and rice and less cheese and meat is what I need. I really am Asian, you know. Living with a bunch of New Englanders in a Mexican neighborhood in the Midwest can't take that away.
At 12:43 PM,
MarcB said…
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At 12:44 PM,
MarcB said…
"think of it as a lifesized Cartesian coordinate system."
Wow you are a nerd ;-)
in a good way of course.
I'm glad you got to enjoy some great sushi. I've never heard of those types before. I'll have to keep an eye out for them next time I hit up the sushi place and see if they are on the menu.
At 7:18 AM,
Erin said…
Nerd power!
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