Whew, has it *only* been a month?!
Goodness, gracious! I apologize, my beloved friends, for failing to keep the blog updated. It is incredible that a couple of days ago was my one-month anniversary of being in Chicago.
We have been keeping *incredibly* busy! I sent out my first email update a couple of weeks ago. I was a bit rushed when I was actually emailing it, however, and it's been a bit confusing with computer and internet stuff over here, so if you were expecting to get an update and I haven't given you one yet, then tell me! I promise I didn't mean to leave you out, it's just been real hectic here. Send me your email address to my stanfordalumni.org email address. In fact, send me all of your contact information, because some of you might not know that a couple of weeks ago my cell phone was stolen. So, please please! Send me your phone numbers! I am working on get another phone soon.
On that note, does anybody know if cell phones that you can get online (on ebay, for example) will be able to work with Verizon? I need to find a *cheap* phone, somehow. Eep!
Oh oh, Alijo, I got your message but I don't have your email address. Let me know and I will arrange for my stuff to get picked up. Also, I would *LOVE* to hear all about Japan! =)
Just one little story... The kids in my class are *amazing*, when they really get involved in the discussions in class. Some of them have incredible ideas, and it is really interesting to hear about how they think. We introduced cells today in class. My kids had some really awesome ideas about how shapes and functions of cells are related. For example, according to a number of my students, cells that do more important jobs are bigger. Heart cells are one of the biggest cells we have, because the heart does a really important job. But cells in your hand just sort of do the day-to-day cell job, so they're smaller. My kids are so awesome!
Okay people, I have to go to class now.
I miss you all!
At 10:58 PM,
Quadfire said…
Hey Erin, sorry to hear about your phone, I don't think I know your alumni e-mail but I'll see if I can't send you an e-mail anyway.
About the phone thing you should check out Verizons website they should have a listing of what phones will work with their service. ;-)
At 2:04 AM,
mi said…
Hi Erin!! Hope Chicago continues to treat you well!
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