It Starts...
Why am I awake at 6:15 in the morning?
I was woken up by a dream that I had about ... SCHOOL!!!
I've heard about teacher "first day" nightmares but have so far been spared of them. Until now.
In my dream I was driving over to school with Megan and Mia, two ICTC alums who taught at SMA with me last year. We parked by this field where there was a school but then it turned out that we had to walk way across the field to a different school which was the one where we were going to be teaching. As we're walking, we start talking about what classes we're going to be teaching. As in, we are deciding what classes to teach. I call 7th grade, leaving Mia at 8th. But literally, we are deciding this as we walk up to the school! So we go stand by our classrooms. Ah, Megan and I are dressed alike in gray sweatshirts and some grungy looking pants. Very professional, no? As I stand by my classroom I notice that a child is chewing gum so I whirl his chair around and say something rather mean to him (I can't remember quite what). This is all going on while the principal is giving a bit of an introduction to the school year, by the way. Well the child is reluctant to get out of his chair so I start counting rather quickly and then he gets up and spits out his gum. "It's a good thing you did that in time," I remark as he sits back down.
That's pretty much where I woke up. But jeez louise, how mean am I?
Now I actually am going to get ready to go to school. It's not across a field, though. =)
At 8:04 AM,
Quadfire said…
Wow, maybe that was your inner teacher trying to come out. Your not going to become that old teacher with grey hair that is bitter and mean are ya? :-Þ
I call 12th grade!
At 3:18 PM,
Erin said…
I already am bitter and mean and, as Jorge pointed out, already have a gray hair.
At 3:55 PM,
Quadfire said…
Well I'm sure glad I'm not in school anymore than.
Man these teachers just seem to be getting younger and younger though....
At 5:19 PM,
Natalie said…
You have gray hair? He was joking, right?
At 8:01 AM,
Erin said…
no joke! I have a gray hair!! Jorge definitely pointed it out in the middle of class.
"Hey, Ms. Cazel, you have a gray hair."
What I replied: "I didn't know you paid that much attention, Jorge."
What I wanted to reply: "Of course I do-- it's from YOU!"
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