a brief hallo
Oh goodness gracious, I am *so* sorry to be absent for so long! And, unfortunately, I cannot stay long. But I just wanted to say that I am alive and blessed. My kids are challenging but amazing. Community is challenging but God is amazing and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. I need all of your prayers, though. Please especially keep my kids and my school in your prayers. I can't write about what is going on at school, but if we get a chance to talk on the phone I'll tell you about it. (It's information that is still not open to the public.) But please *please* keep us all in your prayers. I know that you have been doing so because the Lord has more than provided. Thank you all so much!
Also, please know that I love you all dearly and it breaks my heart not to be able to talk with you all on a more regular basis. I am trying, I promise I am! Keep pushing me and calling me and even if we get only a little teeny bit of a talk then that will be something!
Bea and Linh, I hope you had a wonderful first day at work! I can't wait to hear about it! This weekend I am going on retreat in Wisconsin. It should be a beautiful and rejuvinating experience, although I am trying not to think about the work that I won't get done while up there. But you know, somehow it all works out. Anyways, I won't have my phone at the retreat so I can't talk with you then.
Okay, I have to go back to lesson planning! Thank you all for your love and support!
At 11:42 PM,
Quadfire said…
Thanks for the update Erin even if it is short I like to hear about it.
I'll do my best to be praying for you
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