Oh my goodness! I have not heard about this whole "tagging" business, but listing my blessings is just the sort of thing that I need right now so here we go:
Start time: 9:09pm
The ten things that have blessed me this past week:
1. Going with Dom to his church to serve lunch on Thanksgiving
2. Thanksgiving dinner at Rooney with my roommies and Jess's fiance
3. Big screen projector on the living room wall to watch funny holiday movies and simultaneously have good roommate bonding time
4. My mom's special cranberry jello recipe being a big success!
5. Working heat in my room! Woo hoo!
6. Anjeanette's unfailing laughter at my neverending ridiculousness and her wise council to remedy things.
7. Psychology sessions with Agnes. She doesn't let me get away with saying "oh, I don't know!"
8. Reading "The Skin I'm In" by Sharon Flake. The book gets under your skin and makes me wonder what it is like to be in somebody else's.
9. Free coffee drinks at Starbucks. They take care of me so well there!
10. The fun kind of snow-- all soft and fluffy that powders over everything and makes it look like a magical winter wonderland.
Done! 9:14pm. Okay, so that was 5 minutes, and the people I tag are: Maria, Bea, Lauren, Mark and Randy. The instructions are: Post the ten things that have made you happiest in the past week. Count the number of minutes you took to make your list and then tag that many people. So TAG!
At 7:48 AM,
MarcB said…
Glad to see posts again Erin... I guess I have been slacking on reading your blog in the last few weeks...
hmmm lets see if I can complete your "Tag" challenge.
At 8:14 AM,
MarcB said…
ok did it!!
didn't know if I was supposed to post the answers here or on my blog but I assumed my blog otherwise the people I tagged probably wouldn't read it.
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