adventures of a girl named Erin


Cuban music-dancing in lab

Wow! What a wonderful slew of responses to my last post! Thank you guys for telling me your opinions. I think I have decided to switch over, but I want to be able to keep the comments from my old blog when I change the template, so I'm not exactly sure what is going to have to happen in order to do that. (If you have any insights, definitely let me know!)

In the meantime, I'm confused as to whether I should post on my old blog or on this one. Hm... I guess I'll post on here for now, until I make the template transition.

Anyways, here I am in lab. Again things are running late and I am going to miss at least part of the RUF get-together, which is *so sad* because it is the last one! (also because I'm huuuungry!) Oh no, oh no, don't let there start being lasts! It really hit me a couple of days ago that this is all ending. We're beyond the 3-week mark. Less than 21 days until I will be on a plane and flying high over the bay aaaalllll the way to Chicago.

Yes, I am a little bit freaking out. Maybe more than a little bit. All of a sudden I am plagued with these ridiculous doubts and scenarios in my head of how there is *no way* that I can do what I'm setting out to do.

Hunmh.. as I was writing that, it just came to me that, you know, that's exactly the point. It's not by my own strength that I will do anything in Chicago. Lord knows, though, that I will need to desperately cling to the truth that God knows the plans He has for me, and that I am secure in His protection and guidance. In that sense, yes, it will be a challenge to daily, even moment by moment, keep the Truth as close to my heart and mind and body as possible.

Ooooh, but then who knows what will happen! I am so excited to discover whatever it may be! YEEESSSS, folks, we're back in business!


Eep-- lab stuff calls. Remind me to update y'all about surfing and senior formal, both of which were this past saturday. Fun fun fun!! (even though I am still sore. Eep!) Yaaay!


New Blog??

Ooh, I had a spout of inspiration just now! This is something that I have been thinking about for a little bit, but I want to get your ideas about. Do you think that I should switch over to this new spangled blog template? Here is a sample of what it would look like: Click here for new blog!

So, what do you think? I'll take a vote as to whether or not I should switch. =)

What do you think?

Hey y'all!

Okay, so I am testing out a new blog template because my old one gets sort of quirky for some reason. Plus it will be cool to host comments on blog itself and not on the also-quirky comment hoster thingy that I have now. Plus, it's a new time of life for us all so my new blog format could be representative of this new and exciting life out there!

Or something! Anyways, let me know what you think, kay?

And yes, Tina, when I have time/figure it out, I will most likely switch the color scheme to purple. =)


I am really hungry right now! Eep! I think that means that I am also delirious. Also, I am just procrastinating at the moment because I have about a half hour longer to wait until I measure the OD of my last samples here at lab and I don't actually want to do any useful work (like my spanish composition which was due on wednesday but which I will probably turn in on Monday) because my brain is sort of fried at the moment from all this intense concentrating. Eep! I have been at lab for... let's see... 6 hours already. Hm, I could have sworn it was longer than that. I don't even think that's a record! I guess that's because I came in late since I had to take senior portraits today (yay for procrastination till the last day!!) and then we had an extra clogging rehearsal so I didn't actually come into lab until 2pm as opposed to noon when I was supposed to be here. Man, you can really tell when I get a little loopy because my sentences run on and on and on and...

Anyways, the point is that I'm hungry! Eep! I tried to call my friends to see if somebody could bring by a little something, but to no avail. Why oh why does the cafeteria here close at 5?? That is so ridiculous. Man... I think I'm the only one left in my lab now. Yup.. that's affirmative.

Oops! I forgot I had samples in the centrifuge that I needed to decant. Well, it's taken care of now. My protein smells like overcooked eggs. Ugh! I hope that doesn't mean that I smell like overcooked eggs.

That reminds me of sophomore year chemistry 132 lab where-- for 4.5 hours twice a week-- I was bathed in the delicious vapors of ether and ethanol and would come back to Toyon smelling like a lovely rose. Hehehe... it was so funny to see Bea's reaction whenever I came in the room. She would look at me and wrinkle up her nose in horror and gasp for fresh air while crying loudly how I smelled like... um, lovely roses. Yes.

Aiyaaaa, so hungry! I am sorely tempted to eat something out of the fridge. But that would be really really mean because then somebody else would be hungry probably tomorrow. Alas! Hm... I wonder if there is anything I can cook up for myself with whatever is in our chemical supply room. I mean, we *do* have glucose and some amino acids. Mm hmm! Hm... err, on second thought...

Goodness gracious, is there really nothing I can do for 20 more minutes while I wait for my little cultures to grow??

Ooh, I know, I'll surf the web for laptops! (wishful thinking, but y'know...)


la Reina del drama

So, in my class of Human Behavioral Biology we have been talking much recently of hormones and the interplay between hormones, behavior and cognition. (Very interesting topic, and particularly interesting how it relates to the series we're doing in church right now). Some of the central themes in our class are aggression, sex, and depression. In our hormone studies we have been looking at fluctuating hormone levels in the female menstrual cycle, and how varying hormone levels relate to changes in aggression, sexual proceptivity and receptivity, and emotional/cognitive states.

I am certain that every girl knows this in her own life. At least in my part, I always realize when I am super crazy emotional right before my period. (er, perimenstrual, if you want to be more correct hormonally.) And it goes both ways-- I have definitely been the irritable, grouchy one sometimes. Othertimes I cry at any little thing. I don't like the idea of hormones controlling what I'm feeling and thinking, and from what we've learned in class there is absolutely no way to conclude that they do. Instead, they make you more susceptible to stressors in the environment. In other words, it takes less to make you explode, or to get all weepy and teary-eyed.

I think that this was the case Friday night/Saturday morning at Big Dance, and I want to write about this because I realize that I hurt a lot of feelings that night, and I need to apologize. I prefaced this post with the HBB discussion, because I think that is a good backdrop for describing how it wasn't one particular thing, just a bunch of little things together that made it a hard night. Let me also give a special thanks, too, to Lauren and Maria for helping me to pick this apart (even if I was stubborn and unwilling at first).

Right away, I think the problem was that it was supposed to be a perfect night. You know what happens when you have those sorts of expectations, right? Inevitably something goes wrong and then it just ends up being such a bigger drama than it should be. So we got there a bit later than I would have wanted to (although we did have super cute costumes! that was really fun! tee hee), and then almost right away I had to rush off to change for the performance with Cardinal Whirlwinds. The performance was fun, except that I messed up several times and I felt really bad and upset about that. =( People told me that it wasn't a big deal, but you know how it's like when you practice and practice and then you make mistakes in the performance. Particularly when it's a group that depends on all the members. I just really felt like I let all my team down. I know mentally that it was all okay, but still I was feeling a bit down after that.

Anyways, it really was after 1am by the time I actually got to start dancing. I had it in my head that I was going to dance and dance all night, but by the time our performance was over, much of the night had gone by, and even though there was still a lot left to the night, I realized that many of the people that I was planning on dancing with had already left!

That was another big thing-- it hit me hard last night that the crowd of dancers had changed immensely since freshman and sophomore year. I absolutely love seeing new people get into dancing, it is so much fun! But it is a little overwhelming, what with the end of the year coming, and knowing that people step onto the ballroom, dance for a little while... then they exit and move to wherever they move and this whole new life.

And that's me now! I'm leaving and will find a new dance scene in Chicago and it will just be... different. Not only that, but will people even remember that I was here? Was I even all that important?

It didn't seem so at the dance. Like I said, I was expecting (nooo! don't have expectations! well, at least I'm learning that...) to dance and dance my little heart away, but instead what I felt like was that nobody was really asking me to dance. That was really strange for me since I'm used to dancing all the time. And maybe it's just because I didn't start dancing until later, and maybe... I don't know. I just felt really excluded. Which is so unusual for me at a dance. It's my element; I feel at home, at ease, at peace, floating, thrilled... usually. I don't know what was different about Friday. But I felt sad. Out of place, even. How strange...

So as I was flailing for stability and belongingness, I turned to the one person that I was used to getting that from (particularly in the area of dance). Obviously (well, now at least) that was not a good move because it put demands on a type of relationship that isn't there anymore, and I'm really sorry for that. It just became really hard. I wasn't expecting it to be hard, but the touch and closeness was so familiar and I really wanted that since I was feeling off and out of place in everything else, but it hit hard that even there it was different and I was most likely hurting him and myself and our friendship to search for closeness there... aiya!

Well, the end result was that I was sulky and weepy pretty much the entire night. Although, around 5:30 Jed brought his little teeny fluffy furball of a 15-week puppy to the dance, and that made everything seem so much better!

I do feel really sad that I hurt other people by my being super-emotional. I sometimes think that I don't have enough outlets, though. Maybe because I feel like I always have to be the perky, chipper-in-the-morning, cheerful one, and then it gets too much and it becomes a whole big thing. I remember feeling this way in high school, too, although my way of coping was much much worse. Anyways, to everybody who asked after me at the dance and in the aftermath, thank you very much. I am really trying to work on it... and I really would appreciate your prayers, too. Sometimes it's hard not to be self-reliant. It's hard to give it all up, you know? When I do get like that, it's also important to keep in mind that I usually just need a little bit of time, and then I'll snap out of it. Sometimes it is good to talk, to snap me out of it (Lauren, you are especially good at that), but sometimes I just need to stew a little until I get over it. Well, I am still learning to live in my weaknesses. Praise the Lord that he can be glorified in me despite, and even because, of all my faults.


Happy Birthday to Caitlin!

Happy Birthday to Mindi!

Two wonderful ladies!! =)


Baked Goods!

Oooh my, I have to agree with Tina that I am not so down with the new format for Blogger. Hm.. Hopefully we will get used to it!

***Speaking of Tina, when are we going to have our Tina-Erin time?! Perhaps this week or after Big Dance?***

Okay, I have to get to work now, but here is an interesting fact, complements of Becky:

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

***Maybe this is why freshman year people told me that I smelled like baked goods. Hmm...***


Happy 23 Years Old, Eric!!
You're Number One!



Why Dance?

*note: I started writing this on Saturday, May 1st, so all the references to "yesterday" mean on Friday. =)

I had two wonderful dance experiences yesterday, which led me to think, What is it about dancing that is so special? Why do I have to dance?

I think if I had to sum it all up in one word, it would be: connection

Yesterday in my Dance in Culture in Latin America class we were learning brazilian samba for carnaval, which consisted essentially of circle dancing like everybody used to do in high school. Except that in this case there were specific steps we were doing with our feet, from slow steps on the strong beats to syncopated and fast. Then we added in lots -- and I mean *lots*-- of hips. Teehehe! It was hilarious because it's not like this is a dance class, per se. It's a class that people take because they need to complete a GER (general education requirement... I fall into that category...) or because they're interested in Latin American studies, but not because they are exceptional dancers. Oh yeah, and the best part is that one person goes into the center of the circle to have a little solo time, and then they choose somebody to switch with by bumping belly buttons with them! Hahahhahaaaa!! So, I was in a circle with four guys and two other girls, and everybody was a little embarassed because, well, it was like high school dance except that we didn't really know who these other people were, and our loopy teacher was shouting above the music to move our hips, and we were supposed to bump belly buttons, and well, who wouldn't be slightly embarassed? But then somebody starting clapping and I started yipping and yelling and then everybody got really into it! It was so hilarious and so great to get that communal feeling and bonding. But that wasn't the wonderful dance moment that I was talking about... that moment came afterwards, when we shifted from brazilian samba to a dance called Bloco Africano.

Bloco Africano is a type of dance done to African drumming, also during the carnaval season in Brazil. It's done in lines and you do very basic movements with your feet and your arms, and it seems very simple but I *felt* it. I'm not sure if I can explain it.... the whole foot on the floor, the simplicity of the steps and motions and the beat of the drums... it was like I was shifted into this different state of mind, not really focused on anything but just feeling this deep connection with the ground and the earth and God, and it was so wonderful!

It was a feeling that I don't typically get when I dance at Jammix and the like, although I absolutely cherish that kind of dancing because of the connection that I get with my partner. I'd have to say, that that is really what cuts it for me. That's why it's so much fun to be in Social Dance I with Bea and Maria and all of these people who are just starting out-- I don't have to concentrate on the moves (even though I am learning how to lead, which takes a very different kind of skill than following) so I can just help the girls to feel like they are learning and to have a good time. I"ve also been spending quite a bit of time as a follow since the past several classes we have had an excess of boys. We're doing waltz now (both cross-step and rotary) and so I am comfortable with the follow and lead roles and I don't mind "being a girl" as I tell the guys in the class. (Yes, I am such a girl, and it is a good thing! Yeah... inside joke...) It's nice to dance with the guys here too, especially today (now it is Tuesday, see "note" above) when we just started the rotary waltz. We were rotating partners and I was just about to move on to the next girl when I saw this guy standing to the side, again, looking miffed and frustrated. So I decided I would be follow for him and we danced through three partner rotations. It was so great to see him go from "no, I really really suck at this" to "hey, thanks, I think I sorta get it!" and his body language from disillusioned and annoyed and frustrated to upbeat and determined to get it. Yay!!

Anyways, back to Friday and my second awesome dance experience. Friday night the Cardinal Whirlwinds had a performance at the Friday Night Waltz in Redwood City. The music was insanely fast for some reason, and the floor was incredibly slippery, and I had forgotten my dance shoes so I was borrowing Caitlin's (who was calling) but they were just slightly too big for me, but it was still an *awesome* performance. I love the Whirlwinds! The group is such high energy, and very spirited, and it is so much fun to get the audience to clap along and whoop with us. Yay!

Anyways, the super fun dance moment was later that night when there was general dancing. They played the Congress of Vienna, and Ed asked me to dance with him. Ed I know from freshman year when I was this bubbly little thing jumping all over the place (hey, I know what you're thinking-- but I think I've mellowed out at least a little bit!) and Ed was in maybe his 2nd year of graduate school. I can't remember what department he is in... maybe comp sci? Anyways, Ed is now quite an accomplished dancer, a part of Danse Libre, and super fun to dance with. He also is funny because he's a very mellow guy and so it's a bit of a contrast when we dance. =P Anyways, he asked me to dance the Congress of Vienna, and I graciously accepted and was led out to the dance floor. We started the dance simply enough, of course in left waltz as opposed to right waltz, to spice things up a bit. Then, hehehee... then, Ed started dancing tango with me! Mind you, the Congress of Vienna was still going on, and everybody around us was spinning and waltzing, but Ed was leading me in ochos and spins and dips and everything was still very in time with the music. It was absolutely marvelous! I would have been cracking up the entire time, but you know, tango is a very serious dance, so I managed to contain myself most of the time to a mere smirk. =P That has to be the funnest Congress of Vienna I have ever danced! Tee hee! And then for all the other dances that we did throughout the night, Ed would put some tango into it, or just completely ignore whatever type of music it was and do tango anyways. Maybe he was in a tango mood. Hehehe... whatever it was, it was sooooo much fun!!

I am really looking forward to Big Dance. The theme is Superdance and everybody is supposed to dress up as superheros. I don't know what I will dress up as... I was thinking Rainbow Brite (hey, she was definitely my childhood hero) or She-Ra (if only I saved the costume that I had when I was four...). Well, I guess we'll see! It's next weekend, May 14-15 from 9pm to 6am. I am more than excited for it! Especially since Bea and Maria are really really getting into it to. Ahh, I love dance!!

Okay, this was my post on dance! What about you, what do you love about dance, or any other activity that makes you tick?