Darn, my blog is still having difficulty working. Eeep! Hmm, I wonder what on earth is going on? Well, I guess there is not really that much to update anyways. Oh, hehe, except that I went to the "boogie woogie" dance lesson on Monday and it was so much fun! There were three people other than me and the teacher (Pino) who were all over 50 and just the sweetest people ever. I had a little difficulty with the dance at first because it's so similar to Lindy, but it is always in six count, so of course when I would naturally convert back to eight count everything got all screwy.
Well, I'd better get back to work. I can't believe the quarter is almost over. Eeeep!! There is SO MUCH to do. Oye. Well, we shall see how everything turns out.
Ciao ciao!
Okay, now it seems to be working! Well good then! On with the show! Today's title is:
Days of Tranquility and Giddiness
Milan was wonderful!! It was so much fun going shopping in THE fashion capital of the world. Of course, I didn't actually venture inside any of the "-ucci" stores, as I lovingly refer to the Gucci, Pucci, and the rest of the gang of Italian fashion designers. But I definitely strolled merrily along the fashion boulevard (Via Monte Napoleano) pondering how a purse alone could cost upwards of $800. Ah, the perplexities.
But, what was really exciting about being in Milan was the lunch that we had on Thursday, which was SUSHI!! That's right, folks! It does exist here in Italy! Of course, we went to this sushi bar and we literally ordered "sushi". That was the name of our dish. We didn't select what kind of fish or anything. No. It was just -- "sushi". Vabbe'... it was still wonderful! With soy sauce and wasabi! Oooh oooh! You have no idea how exhilirated I was! I was definitely giggling up and down the streets of Milan. Ooh! Plus, in Milan there is an official Kiehl's shop! How wonderful is that?! It was such perfect timing because I was just running out of my favorite moisturizer when lo and behold there is my savior Kiehl's shop standing before me. Plus the lady was really nice and gave me samples. Which I realize they always do with Kiehls, but I felt all special, y'know? Yes, it was nice. Moisturized and full of sushi.
Ooh ooh! And then guess what?! Well, Professor Springer's husband, Leighton, told me on the train going up to Milan that their fruttivendolo (ie: neighborhood fruit shop seller) does swing dancing. SWING!! Can you imagine?! How long have I been without my beloved beloved swing. Oh lordie, too too long. He also told me that he had just lost his partner. Not in the sense that she died, but that they broke up and so y'know... Anyways, so, promptly on Saturday morning I trekked on over to their fruttivendolo, waited until there weren't any customers, and said: "Si, umm... buongiorno... i miei amici mi hanno detto che c'e qualcuno che balla?" To which the fruttivendolo said, "Si, sono io." and after this I just sort of went crazy and all excited and gesticulating and probably not making any sense at all but managed to convey that yes I love to dance and do you really do swing because I've been looking all over Italy but it just doesn't exist. (Well, he actually does "boogie woogie"... yes... you heard right. It's the Italian form of swing, which is sort of like west coast. But hey, it's a start.) So anyways, we exchanged phone numbers and he is teaching a lesson TONIGHT! So voila! I am going to go to a dance lesson. Yippee!
Oh yes, we also did a passeggiato on Sunday, when I called him in the afternoon and we just walked around the center of town. He is very nice, his name is Pino. He is pretty old (well, 35 which I know really isn't that old afterall) but he looks very young, and besides, don't you remember Harold from the DogHouse, who has to be at least 60 but lordie he turns me around and around (to my delight and glee) more than the young'uns do! It was funny because then I asked Pino to guess my age, and he thought that I was 28 years old!!! AAAACK! I swear, I don't have wrinkles or anything! Right? Right? Oye. Especially with my birthday coming up in 9 days, I don't know if that is good news or not. Eep! Speaking of birthdays...
I hope that you have an absolutely marvelous 20th birthday, you young'un, you! I love you and I miss you tons!
Okay, so getting back to my story... I actually don't think it is a bad thing to be that old. Because, like wonderful Fosca said, once you get to your mid-20s, you stop taking shit from people. That is what I really need to learn how to do. Because Lord knows I just take too much from people in my attempts to be nice or not to offend. Which is absolutely ridiculous! And I really do try not to take shit from people, but it is a slow learning process. I started my lessons on Sunday, though.
Well, Saturday night. Because this guy, Davide, sat across from me in Edison (oh that fateful bookstore) and started chatting with me, etc. Well, he is definitely, it turns out, one of those very pushy guys. Oye. Why? Why?? I should have known when he insisted that we go for a walk he was that way. But then I thought, oh, I've been cooped up here for so long I could do with a walk anyways. And then I should have known when he linked arms with me, but then I thought, that isn't such a big deal and besides we're walking together anyways. I was wary when he actually held hands with me, but it was just such a little step away from linking arms that I didn't feel like I really could say anything. You see how it starts? You see?? Then of course he tries to kiss me and I turn away and he is so persistant though and my head is screaming and I'm thinking why can't I say anything? Why?
It always happens like this. I was so grateful that he didn't follow me all the way home. While I was walking the rest of the way, I was feeling really depressed and wondering why my voice just disappears. And then I realized that I had to step up, and force my voice to work. So I figured it all out in my head, what I was going to say to him, and I felt much better. Relieved. And then he called me Sunday afternoon. And I actually said it! I said, listen, I already know a ton of guys who think that American girls are... "Scusa, scusa, lo so, non volevo..." Yeah, they exist and you can find them really easily, but not me.
HA! I said it!
Eeep, I have to go now because there is a prayer meeting tonight at six for peace.
Hmm... you know what is really weird? That my last blog entry is not showing up on my webpage. Dag nabbit all. Well... let me try and post this and see if this works.
Going going back back to Cali Cali...
Yes, that is right, I am coming back home! Thanks to everybody who helped me with this decision. I know it is right... after all, I have to get back to reality sometime or another... sigh. Besides, my host family said that I could come back and work in their Mexican restaurant anytime I want, and they also want to come to San Francisco and said that then we could go all together to New York. Which would be so so fun! =)
Tomorrow we're going to Milan. Yay SHOPPING!! I mean, yay for historical and artistic and high cultural education... err...
Random note: La Fidanzata by Articolo 31 is sooooo good! Not only is it very very catchy, but it is absolutely hilarious. One of these days I will go about trying to translate the lyrics. But until then, you should find it and download it, cuz it is soooo good! =)
Ciao ciao for now...
The title of today's entry is:
The Cold Sucks
Seriously! I don't function in the cold. I just don't. But it's not just me! The bookstore that I went to to find my book that I need for to read for next Monday for my women's lit class wasn't at the bookstore. Sure, they said they had ordered some more and that they would be there late next week. Doesn't help, people! Sheesh. That was after I got lost going there and my foot hurts and my knee too and it was really really COLD.
And then I just found out now that the movie that I was going to see tonight, Gangs of New York, which I have been waiting for forever to see in English which it was supposed to be TODAY has been cancelled because.. well who knows why, probably because they are stupid. And because it is COLD.
PLUS, the lady who is supposed to be overseeing me at my internship is being severely UN-helpful, not calling me back or sending me an email when she was supposed to, after she had screwed up the FIRST time by scheduling my presentation for a day when there were exams at her school so I came there all prepared and nervous and then waited around for a long time for nothing. So today she tells me to talk to this other guy who is "in charge of extracurricular activities" and she gave me two phone numbers, which I called, and neither of the phone numbers worked. Yes, the lady is being a poop. Tee hee... that made me think of Bea, which makes me feel happy but also sad because she is so far away. And it is COLD.
I read a blog of one of my friends, and she was talking about Buffy, and actually dissing the scriptwriting and actors! I couldn't believe it! Oh how I miss my Buffy! So so so sooooo much! I want to go home.
But I don't want to walk home now because my foot and knee still hurt. And I'm tired. And it is COLD!!
Hey y'all... a quick post before I call it a day and head home for the evening. Let's see... what has been going on recently? Well, to start with, I am now officially disillusioned with men. Oye. Men. Why? you ask... well, for many reasons, I suppose. I am taking a literature class called Women's Voices in contemporary Italian literature, which is really opening up my mind to women's state and status across the world, as well as to my own self-reflection. Trust me, there has been a lot of self-reflection. Because I realize that I become unhappy or depressed at times is because of various guy situations that I come across. Just the other day, I met up with a guy here that I had known before, on the context of friendship, y'know, nothing at all more especially because he was seeing my roommate. Well, he buys me drink after drink and I just let him because I don't want to offend him, you know. Then starts the whole cherade of 'oh, you are so beautiful' and 'I really want to dance with you' etc. etc. until he is closer and closer and then comes to kiss me. And I just let him. I didn't want to, I don't even like him. And then afterwards I thought what is wrong with me??? And then I get to feeling all awful inside and it is a horrible cycle. But I don't want to do that anymore. Basta! I am done taking shit from people because I don't want to offend them or because I am too nice or whatever. It is enough. Well, at least, that is what I am saying right now that I am agitated and fresh out of a conversation with my lit. professor who is very very encouraging and inspiring. We will see how it goes.
Aaack! How is it already 4:30 in the afternoon?? I guess that's what I get for actually getting out of bed at 11 this morning. Dangit! I have just been so tired these past couple of days, I don't know why... I swear, on one day I slept in until 11:30! I haven't done that since high school. Eep!
Wow, I also haven't updated in a long long time, huh? I mean, with anything that really tells you about what I'm doing here in Italy. Sorry guys! I have been meaning to, but it's just that so many things have been going on, and even right now I should be out running errands but I wanted at least to explain my sudden 'oh my gosh I don't know if I want to go back spring quarter' crisis. I think my professor nailed it when she said that I could see the end appearing and that was making me sad. Sad and anxious! Because I totally haven't done everything that I intended to do. Aiya! Okay, well, I do have some time left, so maybe I will just make out a really good calander and stick to it. What do you think? Hmm...
Tee hee... I just took the Care Bear quiz which I found on lovely Tina's blog, and here are my results:
![]() | Cheer Bear |
Is anybody surprised? Aww, I totally remember my infatuation with Care Bears when I was little. I was totally scared of the bad guy on the movie. He was really mean! Speaking of memories from the 80's, here in Italy 80's "fashion" is returning with a vengence. Oh yes. I'm talking off-the-shoulder sweaters, stretchy headbands, and pants that you tuck into your boots. It is frightening. Please let me not succumb! I also can't believe that I am already old enough to see trends from my childhood return. Albeit in another country. Still. Why am I old? Why??
Oh yeah, about my staying-in-Italy crisis, I am just getting very comfortable here, especially with my host family. I am teaching my host mamma's fidanzato and cousin English. Then my host mamma said that she might buy or rent a piano, which would be soooo wonderful for my music-missing fingers, and I told her that I would teach her piano. And then my host mamma might buy this Mexican restaurant here in Florence (she finds out today if they will sell it to her, in bocca al lupo, mamma!) and she says that I could work as a bartender there which I think would be so absolutely fabulous because I would get to learn how to make drinks! Besides, you never know when in your life you will end up having to work as a waitress. Anyways, so I took home the Stanford Bulletin and tried to plan out my life. Ack. Don't really have any more answers. I guess we will see!
Ciao for now...
Very interesting weekend. Update to come, after I take care of all of this stuff that I have GOT to do today. Sigh.
New question: Should I stay here for spring quarter????
Fun with horoscopes!
Valentine Day Horoscope:
horoscope says: Your Valentine might make an early exit this year.
horoscope means: Your Valentine doesn't exist... Not even in the form of chocolate or the little candy hearts with the unusual "romantic" conversation bits (such as "fax me"... oh la la!) that taste like chalk because they don't do that in Italy.
horoscope says: An exciting encounter with a sexy person on February 12th will make any valentines you receive on the 14th seem as plain as vanilla.
horoscope means: Yet another brilliant pick-up line of "Ciao americana! Ciao bella!" while walking home from school. This time the guy might be good looking. Well, not really, but he'll think he's the shit.
horoscope says: Look to be of great service to friends on Friday, as you play the role of therapist to the disappointed and personal assistant to the happier couples.
horoscope means: As you walk unsuspectingly through the city, you will see tons of happy-couples attached to each others' faces like there is no tomorrow (and like nobody else is watching) and reeeally wish that there were little chocolate valentine hearts to binge on. Alas.
horoscope says: By Valentine's Day, you will have had your fun, and your friends need you, and you'll be there.
horoscope means: Thank goodness for the inevitable chocolate high that comes with Valentine's Day. You'll be there.
What is your lucky lucky horoscope? Find out at http://astrology.msn.com/love/passion/. Enjoy!
Guess what?
It was s n o w i n g today!
Like, actually snowing! With real snowflakes and everything! How fabulous! Except that I couldn't enjoy it. Because I had class in the morning and then I had to write my paper in my lunch break and so I didn't get to go out and play in the snow. You know, this is the first time that I have actually seen snowflakes coming down. Of course I've seen snow for example when I would try to go skiing or snowboarding (and end up falling flat on my booty and not being able to move for the next three consecutive days) but it was just so cool and magical actually seeing the little cute snowflakes coming down! Whee! But I am sad that I didn't get to go out and play. I guess it is mostly my fault since I could have done my paper last night but I was struck by this overwhelming urge to write poetry. In fact, I am still somewhat stuck in that mode, which is not very good since it is preventing me from doing other, potentially useful things such as, ohh, homework or figuring out what I am going to do this summer. Crap.
Okay, I had just written a whole bunch more (on a completely different topic) but decided that it ought to be censured. So, if you care then you can get in touch with me. You never know what hooligans there are out there in this invisible, tangled web.